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A 'James Bond' Story

The new era is a movie: move, innovate, iterate.

Wrote by AM on the beats of Monolink

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Hi, this is AM (Ana-Maria).

I have a confession to make...

I'm a Marketer, and that's my guilty pleasure.

In a world where selling has become a sin in the eyes of the consumers, I am here to make you understand...

That the Sales Era has reached an end.

Yes, consumers don't like advertisements, they don't like to be called consumers, the Millennials have invented a new term, 'Consumerism', Gen Z generation won't buy things from you if you're not becoming green or contribute the world. 

So, why do I do what I do? Because I see a new era full of conversations. 'CARE' is a conversation,  'epic' is the sound.

That's it. 

Nailed it.


Wanna know more?

Hint: Let's just say... the 4P of Marketing (Product, Price, Placement, Promotion) have become the 3M. What's the first M standing for? You're curious. Should we move this on zoom?

1   M stands for... MAGIC.


Did I just tell you, I'm a Marketer? I lied...


And that's what's wrong with the most  Strategies. Do you get it? Wait... did I just say, I lied?! I meant, I'm a Marketer Magician


I'm more of a Hokus Pokus Comedian... 

Aren't we all? If there was a magic stage, I am it.

Welcome. Don't grab a seat. You're on stage! Holy Tree. You're here, I'm here. What a thing!... Now what?... I am NOT a storyteller, you know? I'm so fast, I've got no time to invent stories. I live in a movie, so I am a story. In the most funny-sweet-crazy of ways.

I drag you into stories... 'coz you're my magic... So, did I tell you, my car broke, I was in Barcelona, on a Monday morning (Da' Vibe to live for), with 3 more meetings to attend and a presentation to hold at 4 pm on a marketing contest sponsored by some of the biggest creative companies.


What do you think happened?...


Fast forward. It's 4 pm, I'm on zoom, contest started, I'm representing my team, who counts on me to tell a story. I stare into the camera, and proudly present:

'So my car broke today... and as I am supposed to drive to a new destination, I ask the host politely:

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1  M stands for... MAGIC.

2   M stands for... Movement.


-- Could I please leave my luggage here for a couple of hours? I have a presentation to hold first.

-- No. Sorry.

-- But... you know, my car broke, it's very unexpected.

-- Sorry, no. He just flipped the order of the words.

Aha?!... Astonishment is a word. I have a lot of words in my head. Forgive the guy, sue the guy... What a dilemma. Fuk dat... I'm action, not thoughts. I walk out of the metro station, and as my eyes hit the sky, a powerful thought flies: I really need some help right now. My eyes go down as on command. On the other side of the road, a taxi driver is just finishing his previous ride. 

He does not speak English, my Spanish is very bad. I do not know how I make him understand what I need, but he goes up with me, picks my crazy big luggage with his two hands, and drives me to the next destination.

As I walk to you, dear marketer colleagues, dear audience, I am alert, focused, because I am scared! I'm usually present, but now I'm god's heartbeat... I've got a feeling... 

Haven't got any story to tell to demonstrate our marketing concept. Where do I even start? So I go with my truth that day... am I crazy?

What's the difference... hip-hop style.... Dr. Dre's song nails it.  What's the difference between the taxi driver & the host, damn! What makes a company CARE, while others pretend nothing happened?! And most importantly...

What if... #caring-is-the-way-forward 

What will you do first? And then?! NEXT Episode? Okay, you got me. I love hip-hop. What do you love? Someone once asked me: 'Nice hair, are you advertising a shampoo? I said: 'No, I don't. Hmm... but I might just start advertising something... movements. That's my music. I don't play alone though. Looking for the voices.

This Earth is a Big Stage. It's the Concert. You & Me?... We're the #God-Particle They're Looking for.

This is a bold invitation for you, the creators who want to simplify and create meaningful stuff.

This is for you, the unicorn companies who love innovation, and want to create some movements around your brand.

This is for you, the daring Influencers who want to add some magic, and some movement to your art, while sitting on a pile of money that companies will be infusing into your work.

We say:

We're here to Create Magic, Money, Movement.

We're here to play all we are, one by one and in a blending of essences.

An Audrey Hepburn & Lady Gaga of Business & Art. To love with the purity of the sun, with the intensity of the waves until we carve our enlightened path in the Galaxy. We're here with no choice, as if we play the music, or we aren't. We are already here. And guess what, everybody's already here too, watching the show.  

No time to walk around searching for a good vibe, we create the vibe we like. We create the vibe, the space, the magnetism bringing all relevant forces, people, resources together at the exact right time. Now. We flip the coin, invent a new synergy currency, make the way, and turn caring hearts into actions, brilliant plans into concerts.

We are here to make movements, build the way

and make the 'CARING' the beginning and

the new status quo of the

21st century.

The story gets proportion. Someone  bold asks me:

--So, what about the car? What are you gonna do?

--Hmm, I don't know... James Bond style...  you know James Bond... He goes into a city, breaks a few rules, destroys old structures,  solves some meaningful puzzle, breaks a car and leaves with another one. I go James Bond... feminine version. Gonna solve some puzzles in this town, and then... improvise.

-- Oh, buy a new car, he says. The daring kind.

-- Huh?!... Yeah... that would solve it. Funny right...


Money can create a ton of solutions to world's challenges. We don't think much about that. Because we didn't know why we should. Attention, change of tone: ‘Did you know? We only have 60 years of harvests left before fertile lands turn to desert.’ - Sadhguru, Conscious Planet. This man will drive 30,000 Km on his motorcycle to move 2 billion people with one idea: We've got 60 years to figure out solutions. This can be fun... and people walk around complaining they don't have a purpose.  

I say, it's about time to start complaining about the right challenges. I say it's time to look around. What next?


What am I looking for? I love my life. I love. I don't play the 'Talent'. You are the Talent. I am the pulsation of dare, excitement, possibility. Looking for the BOLD TYPE. I build stages, movements.


I build what you love. We're here to transform everything we've known into a new kind, a new path, into gold, into joy. And we're not asking for permission to do it.

We just do it. An Al Pacino in feminine version. When I say something... It's done. I say: 

We're here to make history.

We're here to go from ME to WE.

We're here to turn ME into Money and support the Many.

3   M stands for... Money.


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